packaged minestrone soup

5 reasons why frozen meals will streamline your kitchen

Apr 23, 2024Nikita Singh

With the UK foodservice industry facing enormous economic and resource challenges, including record high chef shortages, you need to capitalise on the benefits of frozen food. Here are 5 reasons why the Mustard Foods range of frozen meals and sauces will streamline your kitchen.


1. High quality fresh produce

Our fresh produce is delivered just before production to ensure optimal quality for the end product. Delicate vegetables, like sugar snap peas in Thai Green Curry, are added in the last stages of cooking to retain vibrant colour and prevent over-cooking. The finished dish is then rapidly chilled and placed in a blast freezer to preserve the quality with no deterioration of texture. 


2. Compact storage

Our meals and sauces are individually packaged in 1.2kg bags for efficient storage and easy defrosting. There are 3 bags per case for compact storage and effortless stock count. Accredited by SALSA for 9 years running, the Mustard kitchen follows strict health and safety guidelines to ensure batch control and full traceability.


3. Consistency

All our products are made in pre-programmed VCCs to ensure consistency across batches. Every dish, for example Chilli Con Carne, has a multi-stage cooking process from sautéing aromatics to slow-cooking the mole chilli sauce. Our cooking process is led by experienced cooks in small batches of just 90kgs for optimal quality and depth of flavour. Finished products then go through rigorous testing for viscosity, taste, colour and texture before final sign off and packaging.


4. Lack of resources

With UK kitchens experiencing human resource and economic challenges, chef hours have to be used wisely. Using frozen sauces reduces time spent on mise en place, slow-cooking or pressure cooking with the same depth of flavour in the end product, and consistency in quality between kitchen shifts. We can host workshops with your team to demonstrate the advantage and uses of our product range.

And to help maximise the benefits of using Mustard Foods, we can assist with meal rotation, menu planning, budgeting, and order volumes. Our experienced team can load products on your procurement platform for easy ordering, and frequent deliveries ensure stock control and minimum storage requirements.


5. Reduce wastage

With rising ingredient costs, it’s important to reduce wastage in the kitchen. With pre-portioned frozen meals and sauces, you can heat only what you need for service. In addition, our base sauces are a convenient and economic method of using up leftover proteins or fresh produce on a Monday that would otherwise go to waste.


With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why restaurants and hotels are using frozen meals to streamline their kitchen. The Mustard Foods Wholesale Range includes meals of various proteins, international cuisines, and dietary concerns to suit all your menu requirements. To sample one of high quality frozen meals or sauces, email our sales team or give us a call.

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